Thursday, February 23, 2017

Learning to Live by Kira Adams

                                           🌟🌟🌟 out of 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 stars

All I wanted was to be able to make it through my senior year. I didn’t need the stares, the jokes, or the bullies. I thought I could do it all on my own, but I was wrong. He filled my veins like a poison, the kind you can’t run from. Harsh and uncaring, he was broken, but somewhere along the way he seeped into my pores. There was no way out, so that left me with one choice: to open his eyes to the beauty around him. To help him live.

She wasn’t on my agenda; it was fate’s cruel way of telling me I needed to get my shit together. To be fair, my head was so far up my ass, I’m not sure how we extracted it. I knew the power I held over my peers, I exuded it daily. I could have any girl I wanted at the snap of my fingers, and yet I found myself fantasizing about her-someone so far off my radar it wasn’t even funny. She helped me understand that sometimes you need to let go to really live. Sometimes being alive means taking risks.

I feel like from the beginning of this book I was thrown into the thick of things. No one could ever call this book boring. I think that the book should have been a bit longer. I would have liked to have more information in certain areas of the book. It just felt as if the book moved on from topic to topic more quickly than I would have liked.

I will say that I felt depressed the entire way through. I don't think that there was enough happiness to offset the sadness in this book. There were so many things that Ciera has to deal with in this book and I was tempted to side with her when she would say "it's not fair". It felt like the character was being tortured. 


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